White sweethearts go with any color!!
As shown is on a rinestone wristlet for $45
Standard has 4 sweetheart roses $37
Premium has 6 sweetheart roses $50
Can be done in different color roses
Tri color mini gerbera daisies
30 flowers, little filler flowers, leaves, ribbon and regular wristlet
42 flowers, little filler flowers, leaves, ribbon and nicer wristlet
50 flower, little filler flowers, leaves, ribbon, nicer wristlet and rhinestones
Blue bom Orchids
22 Blue orchids, little filler flower, ribbon and regular wrist
35 Blue orchids, little filler flower, ribbon, nicer wristlet and leaves
42 All the above with rhinestones
Purple dendrobium orchids
Includes Corsage and Boutonniere
35 (flowers, filler flower, ribbons and regular wristlet with a pin on boutonniere to match)
47 (flowers, filler flower, leaves, ribbons and nicer wristlet with matching magnetic boutonniere)
55 (flowers, filler flower, leaves, ribbons, nicer wristlet, rhinestones and a matching magnetic boutonniere)
Daisies come in yellow, white and lavender. As shown combo for $30.00 comes with a nice bracelet. The $20.00 combo is an elastic bracelet.
****Call to order 419-782-4353****
#19 Red sweetheart corsage
You can also add a matching bouttoniere. Other colors are avalible
beautiul rhinestone wrist band
******Call to order 419-782-4353*****
#60 Purple Orchid Corsage and Bouttoniere
Standard: Purple orchids, ribbon, greens, rhinestones and a elastic wrist band
Deluxe: Same with a cute pearl wrist band
Premium: Same with a beautiful wrist band
******Call to order 419-782-4353*****
#55 Baby Rose Mix Corsage
Can add a matching bouttoniere
Standard: 4 roses and 2 mini carns, fillers, ribbon and an elastic wrist band
Deluxe: 5 roses, 3 mini carns, fillers, ribbon and a cute pearl wrist band
Premium: Same as Deluxe and a beautiful rhinestone wrist band
*****Call to order 419-782-4353****
#42 Mini Carnation Corsage and Bouttoniere
Mini carnations come in pink, red, white
Standard:4 mini carnations, babies breath, greens, ribbon and a elastic wrist band
Deluxe: 5 mini carnations, babies breath, greens, ribbon and a cute pearl wrist band
Premium: 5 mini carnations, babies breath, greens, ribbon and a beautiful rhinestone bracelet
******Call to order 419-782-4353*****
#12 Lizianthis Corsage
Lizianthis comes in white, lavender, pink, purle
can add a matching bouttoniere
Standard: 3 lizianthis, filler, greens, ribbon and a elastic wrist band
Deluxe: 4 lizianthis, filler, greens, ribbon and a cute pearl wrist band
Premium: 6 lizianthis, filler, greens, ribbon and a beautiful matching rhinestone wrist band
******Call to order 419-782-4353*****
#58 Mixed Spring Corsage
Can add a matching bouttoniere
Standard: Mixed pastel colors, fillers, ribbon and a elastic wrist band
Deluxe: Same as above with a cute pearl wrist band
Premium: As shown with a beautiful rhinestone wrist band
******Call to order 419-782-4353****
#59 Blue Bom Orchid Corsage and Bouttoniere
Standard: Blue bom orchids,ribbon and rhinestones with a elastic wrist band
Deluxe: Same with a cute pearl wrist band
Premium: Same with a beautiful rhinestone wrist band
****Call to order 419-782-4353****
#62 White Sweetheart Roses Corsage
Can add a matching bouttoniere
Standard: 4 white baby roses, ribbon, filler, rhinestones and elastic wrist band
Deluxe: 5 white baby roses, ribbon, filler, rhinestones and a cute pearl wrist band
Premium: 5 white baby roses, ribbon, filler, rhinestones and a beautiful rhinestone wrist band
Prom is a big deal to any teenage girl. Perfect makeup, dress, shoes --- but what about flowers? Prom corsages must be perfect as well! Stop by FANCY PETALS and let us help you create a something special. With a picture or description of the dress, we can create something that not only matches, it enhances the dress' beauty.